Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How did the black plague start and spread

Black rats carried it from Asia by sailors that came from Italy. It spread by rats getting on the ships and going to other lands. After the rats got on land, fleas that where on the rats got off and went to humans. And it spread from flea to human to human all through Europe. It spread all through Europe by the least a third of Europe had died by the “Black Death”. That’s a lot of people that died over one disease!!!!

it only took 3 years for the plague to travel all across Europe and did that travel fast!!!!

it came from Asia went in to the Italy then it went upward dogged a couple cities until all of the cities were devoured by the black plague.


  1. I had no clue the plauge or black death could spread so quickly and kill one-third of Europe!!

  2. WOW! I have some rats, but there arn't from Asia luckly! But I didnt know it killed 1-3rd in 3 years! That is fast for the disease spreading so quickly!!
